A VMKUT“Certified Junior Engineer civil Vacancy Notification” typically refers to an announcement made by Estate Nirman Nigam seeking to fill some positions for Junior engineer civil who holds a specific VMKUT certification. This notification includes key details about the job, such as:
- Job Title and Description: The position of junior engineer civil will be available on Estate Nirman Nigam official Website, including responsibilities and key duties of the civil engineer role.
- Qualifications: Required Dynamic educational background with ( Diploma in Engineering or equivalent Degree with specialization in civil) and professional certifications (e.g., VMKUT Certified Junior Engineer with (PE) license), and 2 Years experience needed for Desirable Candidate.
- Application Process: How to apply for the position, including deadlines, required documents (e.g., , certification copies), and application submission procedures will be available in the official website portal of Estate Nirman Nigam.
- Selection Criteria: Information on the criteria or standards used as per Estate Nirman Nigam Manual to evaluate candidates.
- Salary and Benefits: 45,000/ – 70,000/ Details on compensation, benefits, and any other perks associated with the job.
- Age – 21 – 30 years
- Nature of Job – Permanent ( Up to 60 years of age) and Transferable to anywhere in India
- Application important Dates – will be published shortly and Go through the official website of Estate Nirman Nigam
9 – Total no of Vacancies – 37
These notifications are typically found on job boards, official websites, or official government employment portals.
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